Having your own sock brand comes with a lot of responsibility. Just starting it won’t be enough. You have to make sure that it has got a creative name. Coming up with an interesting name is an important part of your socks branding strategy.
Top Existing Socks Brand Names
- The Riding Sock Co.
- Solemate Socks
- Solely Socks
- Sock Shop
- Mark’s Socks
- Rain Socks
- Satisfeet
Catchy Socks Brand Names
If you want your socks brand to look attractive, then you need a catchy name for your socks brand. The following names are the perfect examples of catchy names.
You can take any of the following names according to your choice and use them as a new name for your brand. It will also help your socks brand in getting famous.
Sock hopes
Body Thrive
Socks Rocks
Well Feet
The Green
Humphrey Law
Pacific splash
Mash Up Sox
Fine maid Sock
Promo Socks
County feet
Good Sock Company
Boot tights
White god
Athletic Socks
Handbook Feet
Escape Stocking
Flops Socks
Soft Sweatpants
Good Vibes Socks
Whap Trading Co
The Knit Bonk
Devine Dance
The Knee
Confident Comfort
Synthetic Sandals
Red socks
Cute Kitten Socks Store
White Wind Sleeve
Bright Socks
The Thermal
Purple Drogue
Box Socks
Immersion Socks
Sock Invest
Smart Socks=
Ozone Socks
Soft Shots
Productivity Feet
Bombas Sock
Socks Gen
Spare Sandals
Sock Drawer
Comfy Feet
Ops Socks
Ever Foot
Toe To Ankle
Soiled Sandals
Kickstart Feet
Well Healed
Fab socks
Soft King
Dapper Classics
Fox In Socks
Shoes Pro
Love Comfort
Pointed Socks
Socks Sleeve Pro
Winter Warmth
Nice Bop
The Synthetic Bash
Baby Comfort
Pink yang Sock
Swaps Socks
Influential Socks
Whap Spot
Filthy Stockings
The Red Boots
The Riding Sock Co.
Thermal socks
Clean socks
Lavvish Sock
Arro bell Sock
Loot Socks
Sweaty Bonk
Flip Knit
Knit Sock Masters
Socks On
Synthetic Stockings
Stay Adorn
Sweaty socks
Rotation Stocking
Loose Bop
Synthetic Sweat socks
Tire Socks
Synthetic Shots
Hippo Comfort
Sock kings
Love mist Sock
The Purple Bash
Ever Foot Sock
Spa sense Socks
Lift High
First Feet
Dobby’s Socks
Stocking Crew
The Knee Bash
Blue Q Socks
Simply Socks
Stocking Stuffers Socks
Cool Socks Brand Names
Do you want people to recognize your socks brand? Well, for that, you need to have an amazing name for your socks brand. There are so many categories of names that can be used for your socks brand. A cool kind of name will look amazing on your socks brand in front of the public.
One step Sock
Calling All Feet
Just Plain Socks
Light socks
Heel To Toe
Sock Serenity
Quanta Stocking
Comfy Secret
Three spring
Trendy Socks
Electron Comfort
Save Our Soles
Color Pop Socks
The Wool Windsock
Pique Socks
The Perfect Fit
Suprix Sock
Feet Preview
Eden scent Sock
Locoss socks co.
True scent
Infinite Comfort
Feet Row
Wishy Sock
Stitch ‘N Fit
Lucimo Sock
Comfy feet
Cozy Swag
Wet Shoes Pro
The Brown Bop
Socks Dash
Comfort Thunder
Toed Drogue
Socks Bonds
Sock Catalog
Comfort Reporter
Whisper Sock
Damp Wind Sleeve
Golden Toe Socks
Feet Lounge
Tap Socks
Urban feet Sock
Happy Dynasty
Credo Socks
365 socks
Drogue Pro
Satis feet
Sents sud Sock
Footed Folly
Planet Vibe
Socks Section
Solid Gear
Hot Footin’ It
Simon’s Socks
Fishnet Socks
Bishop Socks
Zip Thread
Sweet Socks
Cozy Feet
Cat’s Purr
Essential Sock
So Socksy
Whole Socks
Sock world
Gold Toe Brands
The Smelly
Pure pairs
Comfort Delight
Celebration Socks
Novelty Socks
Frontier Woolen Company
Heaven Socks
Bonny Legs
By Foot
Top Drawer Socks
Sweat Sneakers
Calibre Stocking
Lafitte socks Co.
Dead Soxy
Bright Lights Socks
Elite sky Sock
Pops Socks
Feet Needs
Glove Your Feet
Pussy foot Socks
Cozy Land
Bright life
Pink Comfort
Spare Sweatpants
Wonder spa Sock
Let’s Talk Socks
Smart Socks
Platinum Sock
Socks Battle
Darwin Comfort
The Unmatched
Unconventional Stocking
Funny Socks Brand Names
If you want a funny name for your socks brand, then you should focus on the meaning of the name. Sometimes, people choose some funny name but it shows a negative impression on the public.
Hence, you should always focus on the meaning of the funny name before presenting it to the public.
Sock Walk
Coarse Boots
Other Socks
Rock Sock
Socks Choo
Transit Sock
Blanca Socks
Hide Away Socks
Vivid Essey socks
Fashion Memory
Stream feet
Sock kings
Softy Sock
Deep blue Socks
Escape Stocking
The Knitted
Elite Sky Sock Co.
This Way Socks
Foot Savers
The Thermal Bash
Your Foot Down
Comfort Sense
Soft Thread
Gray socks
New leaf Feet
Unmatched socks
Conscious Socks
Daily sock
Dive Grid
A lively Sock
Prolific Socks
Odd Windsock
Foot Comfort
Socks And More
The Sweat Bonk
Holey Wind sock
Large socks
Made Feet
Jolly Good Socks
Next Sock
Foot Tender
Bed Bop
Aristocats Socks Company
Square Foot
Sock pros
Orange Sock
The Sweat Boots
For Your Feet
Feet State
On Your Toes
Creative Socks
Purley Sock
Puddle Jumpers
Perfect Pair
Feet Bio
Feet wave
Happy Heels
Non-Allergic Socks
All About Socks
Short Boots
Pride Feet
Front range Comfort
Well Heeled
Great Bliss
The Knit
Old Bonk
Darn Tough
Socks On Fire
Find Your Footing
The Extra Boots
Video Sock
Wool Wind Sleeve
Crescent Moon Socks
Groove Comfort
The Sock Shop
Active Socks
Stocking Crew
Old Windsock
Rush Socks
Colour Feet
Unmatched Wind
Genie Comfort
Iridium Stocking
Anovia Sock
Intellectual Socks
Urban Tastebuds
Mass Comfort
Comfort Shows
Breeze Socks
Sideline Socks
Damp Wind Sleeve
Hype Socks
Knee Wind Sleeve
Socks Up
Knee socks
Foot Favorite
No Nonsense
Odd Sox Sox Box
Spare Windsock Co
Clever Socks Brand Names
You should always choose a name for your brand cleverly. This will help your brand in getting different from other brands in the market.
Moreover, the socks brand will also become popular if you have a clever name for the same. Hence, the following names can be used for your socks brands to make them awesome.
Squishy Socks
Blockhead Socks
Dew shades
Confident Comfort
Sole mate Socks
Dew Shades
Mixty May Sock
Baby Comfort
Insurgent Socks
Comfy Feet
Baseball Socks
Green Buddy
The Grey
Cyclone Sock
Advance Socks
Watershed Stocking
Soft Sandals
The Soccer Socks
Sock Dreams
Fizz fist Sock
Loose Shoes Pro
Spare Bash
Foot Besties
Seraphic Sock
Morning Sock
Foot Cardigan
Sweaty Sandals
Love Mist
Tiny Wind Sleeve
Clean Bop
Thin socks
Flash Socks
Happy soles
Paradise Socks
Ultimate Comfort
Treat Your Feet
Footed Friends
Crescent Socks
On the go Socks
Golden Socks
Happy Socks
Extra Windsock
Friendly Feet
Good Quest
Dynamite Feet
Deep Sea Apparels
The Gentleman Sock
Rain Socks
Sock Tag
Socks For The Soul
Comfy Vault
Open door Socks
The Sock Country
North side Stocking
The Wool Stockings
The Long
Paradise Socks
Punchline Socks
Sock Quest
Socks Wind Sleeve
Nirvana Socks
Stocking Fortune
Sock Solutions
The Sock Store
Collateral Socks
Knit Windsock
Galileo Feet
Doggy Doozy
Enter Socks
Socks Rock
Sock Hybrid
Sock Vip
Well Heeled
Play Day
The Red Socks
Wadd up Apparel
Cool Patterns Socks
Ski And Snow Socks
Sock Sense
FEAT Socks
Joy feet Sock
Nice Bonk
Only Footprints
Woolly socks
Dead Soxy
Swiss Barefoot Company
Healing Heels
Around The Clock Socks
Goldfish Stocking
The Fresh
Sock flows
Street Of Feet
Synthetic Swampers
Sock Nation
Fox River Mills
Nutri Comfort
Body bubblez
The Darned Stockings
Soft And Creative
Grain Socks
Best Socks Brand Names
A socks company or a business is a very popular kind of business in the market. If you are planning to open a socks brand, then you should be unique from others.
There are so many benefits of having the best name for your socks brand. It will help you in getting popular and also attract customers for the brand.
Stride line Socks
Love on Earth
Short socks
Favorite Feet
Cupid socks
Corgi Socks
Big Feet
Blue Bonk
Outpost Stocking
The Darned Bash
Complete Feet
Feat Socks
Foot By Foot
The Beatnik Socks
Smart Wool
Electric Comfort
Team Spirit Socks
Misty Socks
Tech Stocking
Feet Revive
Sock frenzy
Boardroom Socks
Solitude Socks
Crops Socks
Grain Socks
Rock soft
Nature notion
Socks everywhere
Flip knit
Sock Man Socks
Bed Bop
Under Foot
Viva soles
Untold Socks
Sock Couture
Foot Joy
Posh socks
Strawberry socks and shoes
Joss Sock
Sweat Slippers
Personalized Feet
Knee Wind Sleeve
Sock Quest
Play Day
Short Slippers
Cloud Socks
Small Stocking
Toe Trends
The Damp Bop
Sock Sense
Class act Socks
Striped Sweatpants
Darn socks
Row Sonic Feet
Nice Bash
Damp Boots
Diamond Socks
Old Bonk
Accord Stocking
The Roll Up
Coarse socks suppliers
Striped Socks
Yellow socks
Chipped Socks
Thick Socks
Lumina Sock
Magma Sock
Toe In the Water
Foot Soldiers
Pretty Paws
Stocking Technologies
Feet Digital
Blue Cloud
Immersive Stocking
Brain wave Socks
Old Shoes
Soft Sneakers
Sock Sense Sock Co.
Vixen socks
Platinum Sock
Kiss My Socks
Striped Sandals
Bright Lights Socks
Spare Shots
The Soiled
New Balance
Trending Socks
Fire Socks
Rise Feet
Old Bash
Touch Sock
The Length
Etenex Sock Co.
The Ankle
Stocking Rater
Concept Feet
Rock Soft
Sock Discount
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is it necessary to have a logo for my socks brand?
The name and the logo of a brand help in the identification so that people know what your socks brand represents as soon as they see it.
What should I do if my socks brand name is already taken?
First, you must check the availability of a name before you finalize it. If it is already taken, then you may have to come up with a different name.
Is it possible to change the sock’s brand name later if needed?
Changing a brand name can have some consequences. It is better not to change your sock’s brand name once it is established, as it can create a lot of confusion among the customers.
You may change it if necessary, but do promote the change using appropriate marketing channels.
How to Choose A Name for Your Socks Brand?
- The name has to be different from other competitor brands.
- Choose a name that sounds appealing.
- The name should mention the quality or material of the product.
Importance Of Name For A Socks Brand
Before naming your socks brand, it is essential for you to understand how it is going to benefit your socks brand.
1. Names Can Tell A Lot About Your Socks Brand
Just the brand name can tell your customers what your socks brand is about. Without a name, your socks brand will remain anonymous, which is unacceptable.
2. Names Can Increase Sales
Once your customers find that your products are trustworthy and reliable, they will purchase your socks brand more.
3. Brand Name Help In Marketing
How will you promote your product if it has no brand name? So, you see, naming a brand is extremely important because it will represent your socks brand during advertisement or promotion.
Tips To Choose The Best Socks Brand Name
Choosing the best name for your socks brand can be the most difficult part. But it is not impossible also. So, here are some tips that will guide you in the right way, making it easier for you to choose a name.
1. The Name Has To Be Unique
Don’t you want people to prefer your socks brand over other socks brands? So, you have to make sure that your socks brand is unique and completely different from the other brands.
Only then will people be able to understand the difference between your socks brand and other brands.
2. The Name Should Be Appealing
Customers will choose your socks brand for many reasons. One of them is if they find your socks brand name to be appealing, they will show more interest in your socks brand.
They come to you because of the name, and if they are satisfied with your product, then they will definitely come back.
3. Emphasize The Product
your socks brand name must emphasize the product so that it becomes easier for the customers to interpret what your socks brand is about. It will create less confusion too.
Formula For Creating Perfect Socks Brand Name
The right name for your socks brand can be generated using the following formulas.
1. Go For A Long Statement
A long statement name can help your socks brand describe its meaning better to the customers. For example- Pull up your socks.
2. Short Statements Can Be Great Too
A short, simple name for your socks brand can attract a lot of customers easily. For example- Joyfeet
3. Misspell It
Sometimes changing the spelling of a word can help you to coin a new term. For example- Socked
4. Compose A Word
Two words that are related to your socks brand can be joined together creatively to generate a new name. For example- Luxbody Sock Co.
5. This & That
To make your socks brand sound creative, short, and simple, you can put an ‘&’ between two words. For example- Feet & Feet
6. Numbers Make It Interesting
You can use numbers in your socks brand name to make it interesting, but it should have relevant meaning. For example- Fresh Nine
7. An Adjective Can Be Added
What is that word which will describe your socks brand better? Simply use it in the name. For example- Pure Sock Co.
8. Use Your Location
Name your socks brand after the name of the place you belong to. For example – the Pacific
9. Choose Rhyming Words
Rhyming words will make your sock’s brand name sound interesting. For example- Rock Sock
10. Combine The Words
Certain suitable words can be combined together to generate a creative brand name. For example- Zip Thread Sock Co.
Final Thoughts
As long as you are able to generate the perfect name for your socks brand that will help it to show its uniqueness to the people, your socks brand will surely reach great heights in no time.
Additional Sources
Marketing | Branding | Blogging. These Three Words Describe Me in The Best Way. I Am a Self-Taught Marketer with 10 Years of Experience. Helping Startups/ It Companies/ and Small Businesses to Enhance Their Business Through Branding and Marketing Ideas. On A Mission to Help Small Businesses to Be a Brand.